Emergency Service

at Rocheleau Dental

Get the help you need–when you need it.

If you find yourself needing more immediate treatment, don’t panic—we’re here to help. If you have a dental problem that requires timely attention, like an infection or a damaged adult tooth, we’ll do our best to get you in for a same-day appointment. Our office can also provide guidance for emergency services depending on your situation.

If you have any questions about our emergency dentistry or other services, contact us today! We'd love to hear from you.

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Teeth Clenching/Grinding

Night-time teeth grinding, or bruxism, isn’t just a habit—it’s a sleep disorder that afflicts as many as 30 million Americans, many of whom don’t even realize they have it until they start to experience headaches or jaw pain that they can’t explain. The signs of bruxism aren’t always obvious, but when left untreated, the grinding can wear down the enamel of your teeth, damage fillings and crowns, and even misalign the jaw joint, leading to temporomandibular joint disorder (known as TMJ).

The most common treatment for bruxism is a night guard, which is custom-made to fit the upper or lower arch and prevents teeth from grinding. Sometimes stress-relieving exercises are enough to ease bruxism and the associated pain. Our professionals will do a complete evaluation to determine the treatment that will work best for you.

We recommend a thorough dental examination if you experience any of the following: - Severe and frequent headaches or earaches - Pain in the head, neck, jaw, or shoulders - Popping and clicking jaws - Inability to fully open and close the mouth

Dental Emergencies

Sometimes accidents happen, and sometimes a toothache is more than just a toothache. Dental emergencies can be frightening and painful, but Rocheleau Dental is ready to help. Depending on your situation, we can provide same-day booking to handle your emergencies.

It’s important to seek prompt care from a dental professional if you experience

Cracked or broken teeth

✓ Damaged filling or crown

Dislodged or loose adult teeth

✓ Severe pain or bleeding

Signs of an infection, including fever, a foul smell or swelling around the gums or face

Specialized dentistry. Personalized care.

Contact us today to schedule your visit.

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